Sunday, November 9, 2008

Things that currently make me sad

1. School
Man I just wish that it was over already. Having to commute everyday is such a bitch. I'm sick and tired of it. I do have an easy quarter filled with nothing but a lot of reading, but man... I just hate UW and their beyond flawed system. I kind of just wanna go to a private university, or at least one that doesn't have this backwards upside down, fake caring system that UW has.
2. Exchange Rates
I can't buy things from the internets in other countries because of the exchange rates. And the remittances that we send back home can be changed for less since the cost of the PI Peso is up. Though I guess that is a good thing... Not really because the price of items hasn't gone down along with the rise of the Peso.
3.Washington's Weather
Seriously do I need to say anymore. The weather in this state at this season sucks beyond anything else.
4. Taxes
Seriously this is self explanatory. And most likely in our household we will most likely be paying the government yet again.

I have a lot more on this list but I didn't want to put them up.


fenris said...

i hear you on the uw thing. i hope you feel happier soon!

Pasghetti said...

UW is aggitating. I think my teacher best explained it today "They want you to get a degree... that's the society we live in. Education comes second."